We want Grassroots People to own their Knowledge and use it to shape their destinies
Atta Deep means self-enlightenment. The words Atta Deep Bhava or Be your own light are believed to be the parting words of the Buddha to his disciples. The Atta Deep Academy is CORO’s attempt to shine a light on grassroots knowledge by giving the grassroots people greater control over it.
Atta Deep Academy does this by building and presenting grassroots knowledge through the lens of the people instead of being reinterpreted in a more theoretical and formal manner by academicians. It seeks to take lessons from the grassroots to the classrooms and not the other way around.

The Vision

The Objective

The Atta Deep Academy will,
Locate, track, and document (in various forms) ways of knowing, ways of analysing, ways of expressing, ways of reflecting, ways of acting and negotiating at the grassroots within the realm of knowledge.
Undertake participatory, collaborative research led/co-led by the grassroots leaders and shift the centre of knowledge-building towards the margins (grassroots).
Facilitate dialogue and collaborate with policymakers, philanthropists and foundations, and research and academia for inclusive development by integrating grassroots wisdom/knowledge into their projects.
Establish grassroots knowledge and wisdom by knowledge building, knowledge imparting (through curriculum) and dissemination (through publications, broad-based/public dissemination programmes/events/conferences/seminars etc.)
Natural Resources
Human Rights (e.g. caste/ethnicity/religion related)
Cultural contexts
These five verticals are mutually connected by constitutional values as their foundation. The academy encourages, facilitates and hand holds grassroots individuals and organisations by providing them with institutionalised support to analyse and interpret their lived experiences and draw lessons from them.
The Atta Deep Academy is being registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. It will operate in consultation with the executive and advisory board being constituted with experts from various domains in the development sector.